Pelvic Organ Prolapse
This is where the pelvic organs drop from their original position causing:
- Backache
- Urinary incontinence or retention
- A heavy feeling/pressure in the pelvic floor
- Sexual pain
Depending on what is found on evaluation, the following could be treatment options:
- Pelvic floor motor control exercises/Kegel exercises:
Kegels are difficult to perform correctly without biofeedback and coaching. Research shows about half of women who do Kegels exercises after brief verbal instruction perform them incorrectly! We will be able to coach you correctly.
- Mobilisation of vaginal and neural tissue
- Connective tissue manipulation in and around pelvic region
- Scar tissue mobilisation (from C-section, episiotomy, tear during birth process, or from surgery)
- Neural tissue mobilisation
- Bowel movement re-training with correct voiding positions
- Relaxation exercises
- Correct breathing exercises
- Posture re-education
- Pilates