Baby balance:
- Balance baby on different body parts of your body.
- While sitting in a chair, bounce her on your knees like riding a horse.
- Extend one of your legs and hold baby near your ankle while circling your leg around. (This is also a great workout for you!)
Tummy time!
- Tummy time builds head, neck and upper body strength for when baby is older. Your baby should do it a lot each day.
- Place safe objects and toys close to your baby. Move them from side to side in front of her face. This encourages her to move, lift and turn her head.
- If your baby doesn’t like tummy time on the floor, try tummy time on a rolled-up towel, your lap or large ball.
Baby Aerobics
- Lie baby on him/her back.
- Sing a song or play music.
- Start by holding his/her hands and moving their arms in all different directions to the music.
- Do the same with his/her legs.
Leg and tummy development in the Bath/Pool
- Let baby sit/lie against your tummy.
- Encourage kicking movements with the legs.
- Baby usually enjoys the splash and sound of the water
Rolling Surprise
- Lie down with baby next to you on soft surface.
- Pick out 2 colorful toys and put one on each side of his/her body.
- Roll baby gently over to one side so he/she can see the toy and reach for it.
- Then roll him/her over to other side to interact with the other toy.