Sports Advice: 5 Tips on Minimizing Chance for Injury.
1. Warm up before and cool down after your sport.
Warm-up before a workout dilates your blood vessels, ensuring that your muscles are well supplied with oxygen. It also raises your muscles’ temperature for optimal flexibility and efficiency.
Stretching allows for greater range of motion and eases the stress on the joints and tendons, which could potentially prevent injury
2. Correct equipment.
Have you checked/replaced your running shoes lately? Is your tennis racket too heavy? There are external factors to consider when you try to reduce risk of injury.
3. Healthy and well balanced diet
It’s important for athletes to eat a well-balanced diet full of fruits, vegetables and proteins. Healthy snacks inbetween are also key. Low GI foods sustain energy longer.
4. Hydration
Have adequate water before, during and after play. Buy a water bottle that you fancy and carry it with you.
5. Rest
Rest between training, practices, gym sessions and games.
Sleep enough, as a lack of sleep and muscle fatigue predispose an athlete to injury.
One of the most common injuries seen in athletes are overuse injuries— too many sports and not enough rest. Plan off-season, giving yourself adequate time to recuperate before the next season.